20 November, 2020
The results of the survey of the Ukrainian internet-audience (80.3% of all Ukrainians over 18 years of age) about life in the conditions of coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.
Coronavirus disease incidence.
First aid with the symptoms of coronavirus: expectation VS reality.
The attitude towards the quarantine weekends in Ukraine.
Close friends and acquaintances who died from coronavirus.
How coronavirus affected the Ukrainians' income.
How many Ukrainians began to care more about their health?
The most popular and the most unusual ways to strengthen your immunity.
Research client: the TV-program "Freedom of speech with Savik Shuster".
Executive: sociological platform Liberty Report
Date: November 12 - 13, 2020.
Number of participants: 15,004 users of the Savik Shuster E-democracy project ("Electronic Democracy") and 400 respondents of the Internet-panel Liberty report, jointly representing the Internet audience of Ukraine.
The results of the survey reflect the answers of the entire Internet audience of Ukraine 18 years of age and older by gender, age and type of settlement.
According to the installation study of the Industrial Television Committee (ITC), conducted by КМИС (sample of 12,000 households, research date - November 2019), 80, 3% of Ukrainians aged 18+ use the Internet at home and outside their home.
Survey data was obtained as a result of correction of sampling shift by socio-demographic characteristics, maximum sampling error. – 3.3%.
The final sampling was 920 people with the following distribution of respondents:
Gender: Men - 45.6%; women - 54.4%
Type of settlement: City - 66.9%; Village - 33.1%
Age: 18-29 - 16.22%, 30-44 - 29.24%, 45-59 - 25.36%, 60 and older 29.18%
Coronavirus disease incidence
19.4% of respondents said they had already had coronavirus. 80.4% replied that they did not have coronavirus yet. When recalculating the results to the country scale, the number of people that have had the virus may exceed 3 million Ukrainians. According to official data from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine at the end of the survey, November 14, 2020, the number of patients with coronavirus was 512,652 people, the number of recoveries - 233,849 people. The difference between the survey results and official data may be explained by the fact that official statistics take into account only the number of PCR-tests conducted. Our respondents were guided in their responses by their personal experience. The authors of the study assume that some respondents may have made a mistake in diagnosing themselves.
First aid with the symptoms of coronavirus: expectation VS reality
We asked respondents who already had the coronavirus, who they contacted first when they suspected COVID-19. For those who were not sick yet, we asked who they would contact is the first symptoms of the virus appear?
Among those who were not sick, 73.4% think they would call their family doctor. 11,1% will contact a doctor they know, 2,7% will contact a friend who was already sick. 5.1% said they would treat themselves.
Among those who was already sick, the picture was different: only half (53.6%) went to their family doctor, 7.3% - first called a friend, 14% - called a doctor they knew. And 18.4% - treated themselves and did not go to see anyone.
What is interesting, that 1,5% of those who were not sick yet, plan to call the insurance company first. And almost the same number (1.7%) - actually called the insurance as the first symptoms of coronavirus appeared.
The attitude towards the quarantine weekends in Ukraine
Respondents who already had coronavirus, are less supportive (56.7%) of the introduction of quarantine weekend than the Ukrainians who were not sick yet (62.3%).
Close friends and acquaintances were diagnosed with coronavirus and died
12.1 percent of respondents reported knowing people who died after suffering from COVID-19 virus.
How the coronavirus affected the Ukrainian`s income
54.3% of respondents said their family had less money since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, of which 23.9% had "significantly less money" in their family.
Residents of the village suffered less from the "corona crisis" than urban residents: 49% and 56.9% respectively. In fact, the income of 7.7% of Internet users living in Ukrainian villages increased.
Taking care of immunity: 70.7% of respondents began to take more care of their health.
How many Ukrainians began to care more about their health?
Curiously, women are more likely to take vitamins, while men have been sleeping more since the pandemic began. As for different generations, traditionally young people are less likely to eat healthy than the older generation, and, which surprised researchers, they are almost twice less likely to go in for sports.
The most popular and most unusual ways to strengthen immunity
In this section of the survey respondents could choose up to three answers: 60.4% of respondents take vitamins, 51% try to eat more healthy, almost the third - do exercise (29.9%), and sleep a lot (33.4%). Only 13.6% of Ukrainian Internet users got vaccinated against the flu.
Respondents could also choose the option "other" and write their own methods of immunity strengthening. It turned out that Ukrainians are very creative and unconventional about their health. 1340 project participants shared their experience. Ukrainians do Chinese gymnastics, eat onions and garlic every day, and get themselves rubbed with badger fat. Some do not leave home to avoid getting infected. There are also quite exotic methods, which, however, we ask you to PLEASE NOT repeat, we quote them in the original: «П’ю лічинку воскової молі», «Дихаю по 5 хв розчином 34%спирту в масці», «Підвищення емінітету шляхом введення ерітроцитів з власної крові» "I drink a wax moth larva", "I breathe for 5 minutes with a solution of 34% alcohol in a mask", "Increasing eminence by introducing erythrocytes from my own blood".
Alcohol occupies a special place in homemade coronavirus prevention methods:
Cold water, hooch - 50 grams (man, 65 years old, Ivano-Frankivsk region)
I drink alcohol (man, 55 years old, Kropivnitsky)
I drink Gorilka (man, 38 years old, Odessa region)
Every evening 100 gr. of hooch (man, 36 years old, Zhytomyr region)
I drink cognac (man, 26 years old, Dnieper)
Natural product - pear tincture, without sugar and yeast, I can share the recipe (woman, 64, Cherkasy)
I drink tincture and salo (Fatback) (the participant did not indicate his gender, age and place of residence)
Special attention was drawn to the response of a Kyiv resident, 34 years old:
Regular sex, walks in the fresh air, mask mode also outside
The full list of answers can be read following this link
Analytical team of E-democracy Shuster project supported by Open Mind Foundation